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As a benefit to being an interpreter with our sister agency, Professional Interpreting Services, the following workshops have been developed by The Interpreter Studio to enhance continued learning and to assist interpreters in passing their national certification written and oral exams. These workshops are offered both virtually and in person to meet individualized needs. Please reach out to us directly for more information on dates, times, cost and registration.
Interpreting Ethics and Standards of Practice
A review and breakdown of the code of ethics according to the IMIA, NCHIC and CHIA and their importance in our everyday work in the field. Additionally, this workshop discusses the fine-points of the code of ethics to help interpreters develop a thorough understanding of the various values and ultimately better prepare them for passing the NBCMI or CCHI written exam.
Note-taking and Memory
This interactive workshop provides information and tips on improving memory and note-taking practices for consecutive interpretation. This is an introduction to several techniques an interpreter can use in order to improve their short-term memory and eventually develop their own method of short-hand note-taking to use in more complicated consecutive assignments.
Medical Terminology: Prefixes/Suffixes and Root Words
This workshop is a breakdown of how medical terminology is deciphered so as to facilitate the interpreter's understanding of uncommon, technical and unknown medical terms. We will discuss the most common root words and prefixes and their meaning as well as the suffixes (endings) of complicated medical terms in order to help the interpreter understand high register vocabulary in the medical field. Participants will receive a digital glossary of the most common prefixes/suffixes in the medical field.
Terminología Médica: Sistema Cardiovascular y Digestivo
This workshop is specifically for ENG<->ESP medical interpreters and is taught in Spanish. This is an in-depth look at the most common terms, conditions and procedures relating to the Cardiovascular and Digestive systems of the body to help interpreters prepare for their certification exams.
Terminología Médica: Ginecología y Pediatría
This workshop is specifically for ENG<->ESP medical interpreters and is taught in Spanish. This is an in-depth look at the most common terms, conditions and procedures relating to Gynecology and Pediatrics as this is a niche field that requires specialty language and skills. Ultimately this will help interpreters prepare for their certification exams.
Terminología Médica: Sistema Nervioso y Salud Mental Course
This workshop is specifically for ENG<->ESP medical interpreters and is taught in Spanish. This is an in-depth look at the most common terms, conditions and procedures as well as tips and recommendations when working in the mental health field. Due to the sensitivity of mental health assignments, this field often requires specialty language and practiced professional judgement.